Swarm: Freedom of (Non) Movement

July 2023

Concept and artistic development Hilda Moucharrafieh, We Sell Reality, Reda Senhaji, Simohamed Boujarra, Floor van Leeuwen | Social design Roberto Pérez Gayo | Assistant Choreographer Samuel van der Spek | Photography Marwan Youseff | Film Sepideh Farvardin | Production Roxanne Jurriaans | On site production Remy de Graaf | Advice Arthur Kneepkens | Special thanks to Wafa Al Attas | Produced by Over het IJ Festival, Stichting Leeway | Supported by Over het IJ, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Vriendenloterij Fonds, Gemeente Rotterdam, Gemeente Den Haag, Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam |

A collective dance through the city, in which we exercise our freedom of movement and our freedom of non-movement.

Ships departed and arrived, bigger ones are built to bring more and leave little behind. People sunbathing on cruise ships crossing the Mediterranean Sea, while others struggle for life in overcrowded rubber boats. Ignored calls for rescue continue, and so does the indifference to lost lives. The ones who did not drown in the water are now crushed by bureaucratic procedures on land. Between arbitrary transfers from one refugee camp to another and inhumane deportation orders, people’s freedom of movement is violated over and over again.

Freedom of (Non) Movement is part of 'Longing to Cross the Horizons’, a one-year project initiated by Hilda Moucharrafieh. It aims to pay tribute to refugees who drowned in the Mediterranean Sea, and support those who are struggling for their existence in states of limbo.

I have never danced before in my life, but today I danced for freedom.
I want to do this every day!

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